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Thursday 2 April 2020

April Fools´ Day

Hi everyone!

Today I´m going to tell you about a famous day celebrated in many countries such as the UK, France, Poland, Finland,
the USA, etc.
As usual, you can click on the words in bold to learn the meaning.  Let´s get started!

Have you ever been teased? Has anybody played a trick on you?

It´s tradition in the UK that every 1st of April people play jokes on each other.
Here you have a video explaining the origins of this special day.

Can you think of any similar date in your country? In Spain, there is a similar custom on the 28th of December, when people prank family and friends.
As in the UK it´s a well known national day in which social media and celebrities also participate.

Now, your task is to look for the meaning of the next words:

- Pranksters
- Practical jokes
- Switch
- Fail
- Hoaxes
- Gullible
- Hooked
- Spread
- Errand
- Derriere
- Kick

After finding the previous words, read this article about April fools´day origins.

For more information, have a look at this short video:

And now...can you remember anytime when you were teased?


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